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The maltCert© Institute

Prüfsiegel geschütztmaltCert© Institute has made it its business to control, certify and constantly approve the "product malt" for the malting industry, breweries and manufacturers, to make the final product even more secure, transparent and practice-oriented.

Malthouses, subcontractors and plant manufacturers will get our maltCert© Institute Certificate and seal of approval when constantly fulfilling our respective practice-standards.

Of course, maltCert© Institute with its practice-orientated control mechanisms is open to breweries and other manufacturers of malt-based products as well. We will use all our expertise to evaluate malting facilities according to your requirements.

By the way! We do not only assist our customers in transparency, but are 100 % transparent ourselves.

This is why you will find very detailed material about our work, our general conditions and business scope on our homepage. maltCert© Institute – transparency at work—

We are looking forward to hearing from you and working for you.

©2011 maltCert Institut©, Allerheiligenstr. 43, 67346 Speyer, dev4u®-CMS